This is Sasha - My Brother and sister-in-laws dog She is adorable.
Got to watch her last weekend and I might get to watch her next weekend. Her "sister"
no relation came to. They like to cuddle, play and sleep. Her sister likes to cause "trouble" Which is
why I gave her the nickname "Trouble" I added this picture to this blog, because this blog was about undying love
and support and caring and these dogs give it too. Helped me unwind. Perfect Picture for the love I felt from everyone
unselfish, and very straight from the heart.
I was never to expect the love and support I received from so many people today...and it all came from me ranting and raving this morning frustrated with my financial situation due to my bills that have resulted from this "Cancer" and my Migraines. Like I said I just can not catch a break in the financial department with my medical issues. My insurance company just sucks....and due to having to have my own, and being denied from a pretty good one when my Cora was up in February 2011, I had to get this sub par insurance with crazy deductible, co-insurance, and co-pay for all visits after the deductible being met (30% of allowable charge until your out of pocket is met.) CRAZY!
On top of it, I work with Insurance companies, who are back-logged and have out-standing payments owed to me for clients I have seen in March, April, May, June, and July...well and of course the two days in August. SMH!! So that is a big reason I am stressed with the money situation. I never know what I am going to get paid, when, but the bills keep coming in, and need to be paid. Not to mention when January rolls around my deducible starts over again and I may need surgery, radiation, and I will have to continue to receive on of the cancer infusion drugs ever 3 weeks until Next August.
BuuuuT let me get to the love part and get away from the stress part. I was sitting in the pretty nice infusion chair (well as nice as they can be.) The are semi reclinable...push back and legs lift up. I brought my down pillow, and my hokie snuggie. I did not put my arms in the sleeves...but I did cover my legs up. My nurse who took care of me, said she wanted to have me because her daughter went to TECH, and said Once a HOKIE always a HOKIE, and knew I would be cool. :-) :-) ;-) there.
So chatting with my mom, having a snack or too. I was checking my e-mail and they were links to something I did not quite understand. Then I was like...urg? twisted me head until I read what LORI had written. She made tears build up in my eyes, at the sheer generosity and sheer kindness she had thought about in doing this. Lori, as she/ you had said we are kindred spirits.
Lori and I meet, over 10 years ago at a HOKIE tailgate via a guy I "dated" whom was was a mutual friend of many of my guy friends in the HT's. She has always had a great big heart and always been doing super special things for those she cares about. I meet several other wonderful ladies through her and for a few years when we all were around we did lots of "fun" girl things." OHHH I miss those days.....
Lori Started this Page for me, to help raise money to help me out with my financial obligations so I did not need to be stressed about it.
http://lorihokie.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post.html Like I said I was in shock. But what came more in shock, an still is in shock to me...is how many people are actually donating and the amount at which you are donating. I know everyone is struggling these days and everyone has it tight. Don't feel pressured in any way. I would love to hang out with you or spend time doing something for "free" like a museum, or go hiking, or phone calls or whatever. But it is awesome to see people do things like this with people I have not spoken to in a long time, and with people I see once or twice a year or with people I have never meet but on facebook. I would love to meet you!! If I don't have a mailing address be expecting an e-mail from me to get your address to thank you. Because you made me day!! Everyone who has helped out has made my day!
My stress has lowered so I can concentrate on getting better and resting, so I can concentrate on my clients who have so many problems, anxiety, depression, marriage issues, parenting problems, behavior problem, suicidal problems, drinking problems, etc. I want to be at my best s I can give them the best. Because that is what makes me feel the best.
I want to feel less stress so I can want to want to take pictures....I love taking pictures...but have lacked the energy, from this and just trying to get life squared away.
So everyone. GOD BLESS. Cancer was the last thing I wanted, but it surely showed me that I am loved and how much love and support people truly give to their friends and supportive network when in need.
I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. AND A BIG SPECIAL HUG to LORI for not only doing this, giving me earrings, the t-shirts....but she also got me a True Hope Moxi girl (which in time I will get a pic of) who has a bald head, to cheer me on my journey!!
I love you Lori!!!