Sunday, July 29, 2012

My little Pin Cushion

So the last week was quite interesting.  My belly sure ended up feeling like a pin cushion.  I WAS able to give myself shots in the belly, imagine that.  I had to give myself shots starting on Saturday July 21 through Friday July 27th.  One shot of Lovenox, A shot of Menepur, and one of Gonal F.  Then I got to add a morning shot of Cetratide.  YAY!!, Alternating sides and below my belly.  It was so sore by the end of the week.  I had to go every other day to get labs and an ultrasoundn done, and then the last three days, went every day.  They 36 hours prior to my EGG retrievl day (TODAY), My mom got to give me a shot in my upper buttocks.  That did not hurt while she was doing it, bt now is sore, like I fell on it.  That was what they referred to as the "Trigger shot."

My retrieval time was 8:00am in Rockville.  I had to be there at 6:00am.  Mom and dad picked me up at 5:00am.  I really did not go to bed at all.  Maybe an hour.  Eric and I hung out from 12:45 until 3:00 and I took a brief nap. 

Today for the retrieval we were not sure exactly where to go  I knew it was the Rockville Fertility Center, but where, the building looked all dark, and there really were not that many cars.  I had to call the 24/7 on call nurse.  I woke her up..whoops!  :-(  I know how that feels.  I have been on call before....A LOT!!!  But.  The whole actual procedure took 20 minutes after they checked me in, gave me the IV and I waited.  Once the injected the anesthesia I was out after saying my social security number. 

They were able to get 6 really healthy eggs from 6 follicles that grew!  They said that was really good.  SO I guess I will take them for their word.  I am sore and crampy.  Tired too.  But that is done.  Now onto the Chemo on Friday!!  I CAN DO THIS!!